Ceramic and Lingual Braces

The last two options that are used for straightening teeth are called ceramic braces and lingual braces. Although neither option is very popular, they are still options for those who are not keen on either the traditional metal braces or Invisalign.

Ceramic braces are nearly identical to the metal braces in the sense that they include a bracket and a wire, but they are far smaller than metal braces and tooth coloured so they are not as noticeable as the bright, shiny, metal ones. Other pros of ceramic braces include the same as the metal braces such as: faster treatment time and no risk of loss.

Cons of ceramic braces include the inability to use them for severe cases of tooth misalignment, more expensive than their metal counterparts, and are far more easier to stain because of their material. Frequent cleaning is a must in order to prevent discoloration. 

Lingual braces are the sweet spot between Invisalign and traditional braces. They are nicknamed incognito or hidden braces because while traditional braces are adhered to the front of the teeth, lingual braces are placed on the backs of the teeth, giving them all the power of metal braces, but the invisibility of Invisalign. Other pros include no risk of loss, and are suitable for all ages and the majority of patients.

However, lingual braces have their own unique set of challenges. There’s a risk of a temporary speech impediment due to the placement of the braces, as well as tongue irritation from being in constant contact with the braces. They’re also much harder to clean due to not being able to see them clearly, and they are far more expensive than their counterparts.

Speak with your dentist about your options as well as further information. Only they, through a consultation, will be able to help you make a clear and informed choice.