
Tooth Decay in Children

When tooth decay reaches the dentin, the teeth become sensitive and cause pain, especially when your child eats sugary or hot foods. As caries approach the tooth pulp, your baby may have a toothache. If the toothache is caused by sweet or hot foods, it will only last for a few seconds. As caries get closer to the dental pulp, the pain becomes more stable and it may be necessary to use pain relievers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen to control it. A decaying tooth is decaying, so it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. If tooth decay is not treated, abscesses may occur.

What happens to tooth decay in children if not treated in time?

Toothache is a sign to see a dentist immediately. Toothache shows you that there is a problem in the body. If you do not take your child to the dentist, his condition may worsen and he may even lose a tooth. Prevention and treatment of pediatric tooth decay.

How can dentists help your child with tooth decay?

Dentists carefully examine all of your child’s teeth and may use X-rays to photograph them. Then, if caries are diagnosed, they can treat it by removing the damaged part of the tooth. After that, our dentist fills the hole with special materials.

In the early stages of caries, dentists glaze their teeth with a fluoride solution. This can prevent further damage.

If the caries are not very serious, the dentist will remove them and fill them with a special material. In some cases, the nerve that runs through the tooth is damaged. In this case, it is necessary for the dentist to perform root canal therapy or tooth denervation, during which the tooth nerve is removed and the tooth is filled and covered with special materials. If the tooth is severely decayed and cannot be repaired, tooth extraction may be necessary.

How can dentists protect your baby’s teeth from decay?

With the appearance of each of the main mill teeth, and if the tooth does not have any decay, special materials can be used to cover its surface and protect it from decay. These materials fill in the grooves and depressions in the tooth surface and make cleaning easier by smoothing the surface. Adults can also use this treatment if their teeth do not decay. Dentists will talk to you about whether this method is suitable for children. Children can also use fluoride glaze on their teeth to reduce the risk of caries, which is done twice a year.

What can parents do to prevent tooth decay in their child?

Oral health: The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth regularly as a last resort at night and at least once a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure your child brushes all surfaces of their teeth well. Using special toothbrushes and flossing, you can remove bacteria and food debris from the space between the teeth and where they attach to the gums. An ordinary toothbrush will not be able to clean these areas.

Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating a meal can stimulate more saliva in your baby’s mouth and eliminate the effects of acids.

See your dentist regularly: See your dentist regularly. Eat less acidic and sugary foods and drinks. Avoid eating again between meals. These can reduce the risk of acid attacks on your baby’s teeth.

Dentists will teach your child which areas of their mouth to take the most care of. They also teach your child how to brush properly.