
Implants for Teens

Implants for Teens

Think about a girl or a boy who plays sports professionally, everything is going well. But after a while, a mistake occurs in a game and it hurts the jaw area. After the examination, he sees that they have lost a tooth! What is the best way to repair this damage?

One way to correct this situation, in the opinion of a pediatric dentist, is to have a replacement tooth.

See an implant specialist as soon as possible so that you do not miss the opportunity for a dental implant.

The question that arises in the meantime is, are dental implants a safe method for children?

Dental implant conditions:

Although dental implants are the standard way to get lost permanent teeth, they are not always recommended for children.

That is why dental implants are used only in patients whose jaw growth is complete.

If the dental implant is too small for the patient, it may impair the growth of the jaw and disrupt the normal growth of other teeth.

Dental implants are made directly into the bone, and because they function as teeth, they do not move easily.

Minimum age suitable for dental implants:

At least 15 years for girls

At least 17 years for boys

The recommended age varies depending on gender. Because bone growth is completed in girls much sooner than in boys.

At this age, the jaw is almost fully developed, or at least to the point where the implants affect the future growth of the jaw.

So what are the alternatives to implants for children?

No teenager or child likes to live their whole life without teeth.

Instead of seeing a gap between his teeth in his smile, a replacement should be considered for their missing tooth to make it bigger.

Some of these alternatives are:

Removable dentures: These removable dentures have one or more dentures that need to be attached. With dentures, the fact that the child does not have a tooth is hidden.

Bridges: Fixed tooth-supported bridges, or resin-bonded bridges can be used. In fixed bridges, adjacent teeth need to be covered. This type of dental bridge can be done with the support of the side teeth. Resin-bonded bridges also work differently and do not damage teeth. These options look better and perform better than removable dentures.

Orthodontics: If you think your child will have orthodontics when his or her teeth fall out, you still need to plan for the teeth to move forward.

An artificial tooth can be attached to an orthodontic wire to fill the remaining empty space.

Spacers: If your child is too young to lose a tooth, a permanent tooth will replace it. But to be sure, the teeth should not be misaligned. Fixed and movable spacers can be used, depending on the position of the child and the missing tooth.