
Information about children’s deciduous teeth

Congratulations! Your baby’s baby teeth have fallen out. The mission of this small tooth in the oral cavity is over. A small, rootless tooth crown in your hands. Many parents mistakenly think that baby teeth have such an appearance from the beginning, so they face many questions during dental treatment.

Natural deciduous teeth

When the deciduous teeth are complete, there are 20 teeth inside the oral cavity, including 8 maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, 4 canines, and 8 deciduous molars. All the components that are in permanent teeth are also present in deciduous teeth. The constituents in the enamel crown part are dentin and crown nerve and in cement root part, dentin and root nerve are.

The anterior teeth and canines have one root and the posterior teeth have two to three roots.

The average length of deciduous teeth is between 10 and 15 mm.

These roots decompose slowly and slowly throughout the child’s life, and when the root is completely decomposed, it is time for the baby tooth to fall out and the permanent tooth to be replaced.

The process of caries progression

Caries in a child’s teeth initially involves the analysis of small spots in the enamel. If the necessary treatments are not given to the child at this stage, the caries will gradually spread and penetrate the dentin. If not done at this stage, the caries will progress and spread to the nerve of the deciduous tooth

Infiltration of tooth decay into the area of ​​the deciduous nerve is usually associated with severe pain and discomfort in the child, although in some cases due to the slow progression the child may have no symptoms of pain and the dentist can detect tooth decay by radiography of the tooth. Delayed stage may occur due to microbial interactions of the infected tooth nerve and dental abscess and removal of pus from the gums of the affected tooth.

If tooth decay has progressed to the level of enamel and dentin, treatment is needed to repair the teeth. These restorations are performed at the discretion of the dentist with composite materials (tooth-colored materials) or amalgam (silver-colored materials). In the event of extensive damage to the deciduous crown, pediatric veneers made of stainless steel may be used. The choice of restoration type should be left entirely to the dentist because in many cases restoration with a specific type of material may not be possible or appropriate for your child’s teeth.

The steps of denervation treatment for deciduous teeth are different from adults. At the discretion of the dentist and according to the radiographic condition of the affected tooth, only the coronary nerve or the crown and root nerve may be treated.

Does deciduous tooth denervation damage the permanent dental nerve?

Performing denervation treatment of deciduous teeth will not have any side effects for permanent teeth.

Is deciduous tooth denervation treatment tolerable for a child?

The pediatric dentist will prepare your child for treatment using behavioral control techniques. After dental anesthesia, the treatment will not cause pain to the child.

Is there a need for neurosurgery treatment due to deciduous teeth?

Primary teeth should remain in the oral cavity until a certain age. This age is about 6 to 7 years for anterior teeth and about 9 to 12 years for canines and posterior teeth.