
Grinding teeth

Many parents sometimes notice their children’s teeth grinding while sleeping. However, because children’s teeth and jaws change and grow so quickly, it’s not usually a destructive habit that needs treatment, and in most children it goes away as they get older. The main causes of teeth grinding in children include the following:

A feeling of pain when the teeth are erupting

Stress and emotional anxiety

Medicines such as antidepressants, antipsychotics

Medical conditions such as cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Many of the symptoms of teeth grinding in children are the same as in adults.

Management of grinding teeth in children depends on the amount of wear, the age of the child, the symptoms experienced, and the needs of the child and the parent or caregiver. A dentist or oral hygienist is needed to fully assess each child’s condition.

How does grinding teeth affect your oral health?

When you clench your teeth or grind your teeth while you sleep, the pressure force can be much higher than when you chew regularly. When eating, food causes chewing movements. But with sleep grinding, your teeth receive all the force. Grinding teeth can lead to:

Wear of tooth enamel and possibly dentin which leads to tooth sensitivity.

Tooth gap or lip filling, Denture Bridge or implants

Tooth sensitivity

Painful or loose tooth

Facial pain due to contraction of jaw muscles


Causes of teeth grinding

Many things can lead to teeth grinding. Some possible reasons are:

Sleep problems

Negative emotions such as stress

Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, caffeine and alcohol consumption

Some medications

Snoring, sleep talking, and sleep apnea

Snoring, sleep talking and even sleep apnea can contribute to teeth grinding. Sleep apnea affects your breathing while you sleep.

Stress, anger and anxiety can cause teeth grinding

Lifestyle can play a role in teeth grinding in adults

Smoking and drinking alcohol can increase the risk of teeth grinding, especially if consumed before bedtime.

Medications and disorders can lead to teeth grinding

Consult your doctor in these cases.

Prevention and treatment of teeth grinding

If you suspect that you grind your teeth at night, visit your doctor and report the symptoms. The dental hygienist is also trained to recognize common signs and symptoms. The good news is that you can reduce one of the biggest causes of teeth grinding right now with these tips:

Be relaxed

People with grinding teeth press their teeth together due to stress or anxiety. Relax before going to bed. Take a hot shower, read your favorite book

Use a night guard

If you still grind your teeth, talk to your dentist about using a night guard or mandibular advancement appliances.

Mandibular advancement devices

Mandibular advancement devices are special devices that move your lower jaw forward while you sleep. These are ideal for treating teeth grinding, which is most likely caused by a sleep disorder.

If grinding teeth leads to broken fillings, crowns, wear or fracture, the dentist will repair the fillings and crowns. A dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment to adjust the bite or correct tooth misalignment. Stress reduction techniques are another option you can start today!