
Upper jaw

Front teeth in the upper jaw can have genetic causes and sometimes it is caused by bad habits such as thumb sucking. If this disorder is visible from childhood, the best time to treat it will be during childhood. By examining the position of the patient’s jaw and teeth, the orthodontist suggests one of the orthodontic methods, teeth extraction and jaw surgery.
You have probably seen people around you whose upper jaw teeth are more forward than usual. These people suffer from overjet and usually complain about their appearance due to their lack of attractiveness.

Causes of protruding teeth

Protrusion of upper jaw teeth is called overbite or overjet. There are various factors that affect overbite. The most common cause of overbite is genetic factors. People who suffer from this condition usually inherited this gene through one of their parents.
Sometimes the problem of maxillary teeth protrusion occurs in adulthood. In this case, jaw disorders caused by excessive growth of the jaw may be the cause of this condition.
If the length of the crown of the tooth is longer than normal, it may lead to the protrusion of the maxillary teeth.
Bad habits such as sucking fingers in childhood or using bottles and pacifiers for a long time lead to changes in the jaw, one of which is overbite.
Correcting the smile design

Why should you treat maxillary teeth protrusion?

People who are facing this disorder, after some time they experience pain in the jaw area. Sometimes they even hear their jaws click while chewing.
These people usually have problems in pronouncing some letters. In general, there are disorders in the speech of these people.
Since this problem is directly related to the person’s face, it reduces the patient’s self-confidence.
One of the most important reasons to treat an overbite is to maintain the health of the teeth. The front teeth of the upper jaw cause erosion between the teeth and finally, decay and the possibility of tooth failure increases.
Chewing food in these people is usually associated with many difficulties. People with this disorder also have problems biting food.

Treatment of prolapsed maxillary teeth

Before any treatment, the teeth should be examined to see the main cause of the disorder. If the protrusion of the maxillary teeth is due to improper placement of the teeth in the back part of the mouth, it is necessary to make changes in the angle and location of the teeth by performing orthodontics and treat this problem easily.
Sometimes the protrusion of the upper jaw teeth is due to the jaw being small compared to the teeth that have erupted. The crowding of the teeth causes disorganization and protrusion of the upper jaw teeth. To treat this case, it is enough to pull some teeth and then perform orthodontics.
Orthodontics and jaw surgery are also used in people whose upper jaw teeth are protruding due to jaw disorders. First, orthodontics is performed, and then the specialist and jaw surgeon, in coordination with the orthodontist, performs this surgery. The recovery period of jaw surgery is usually long and lasts between 6 months and 1 year.
If this problem is visible since childhood, it is better to do this treatment before the jaw bones harden. For example, the age of 10 to 14 years is the right time to treat children because the root cause of this problem has been diagnosed by dentists and milk teeth have replaced permanent teeth. On the other hand, by performing orthodontic procedures in childhood, severe complications of jaw surgery can be prevented in adulthood.