
Dentistry in cardiac patients

In general, when the toothache relieves us, we want the dentist to start the treatment process immediately, and in these cases, the dentist usually deals with the history of various diseases in the person during the description he receives from the client, and if the person If you have heart disease, several things must be considered during the treatment process.

One of these cases is the use of anesthesia as a precaution, because due to the use of these drugs, the heart rate may increase faster and the heart may beat faster. The cause of this condition is high blood pressure.

The anesthetic that should be used for this type of heart disease is different from others

Another thing that should be considered in the dentistry of heart patients is to perform different stages of treatment in a calm and stress-free environment, and also the time to do it should be as short as possible.

Contraindications to dental services for heart patients

Before starting any operation on the teeth of heart patients, their blood pressure should be monitored and the dentist is not allowed to perform therapeutic functions for people with high blood pressure.

People who have had a heart attack or have had heart surgery in the last six months.

How does a doctor find out about a client’s heart disease?

One of the necessary tasks before starting the treatment process is to get a history from the patient about possible diseases and medications. If this is the first time the patient sees a dentist, the patient should be asked about his general condition in an intimate environment. Also, a knowledgeable physician can diagnose some diseases by considering the physical symptoms.

What should be done if the client is found to have heart problems during treatment?

The treatment process should be stopped immediately and if the patient is in serious condition, he / she should be referred to the nearest general practitioner immediately.

Recommendations for heart patients:

Because not knowing the dentist about your medical history can have serious risks for you and also affect your effective treatment process, be sure to provide a description of your heart problems and the medications you are taking to the dentist. Also, tell your doctor if you have a heart battery, as there may be an interference between this device and the electromagnetic devices inside the office, in which case precautions should be considered.

Tips on dental treatment in anesthesia

Another recommendation is that in addition to presenting your history to the dentist, consult your cardiologist before any procedure so that you can be given any advice if necessary. Sometimes a cardiologist’s diagnosis may be needed to delay the dental treatment for several months.

Be sure to tell your dentist if you are taking medications such as warfarin, aspirin and Plavix that are anticoagulants.