
Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath may change or come in different forms depending on the source and background of the bad breath. Some people may be overly concerned that their mouth smells bad when it is either very mild or there is no odor at all. On the other hand, there are those whose mouths smell bad, but they do not notice it at all. Since it is not possible to detect bad breath on your own, you can ask a close friend if your mouth smells bad or not. When you are sure that your mouth smells bad, first check your health habits and try to change your lifestyle, brush your teeth and tongue after each meal, floss and try to drink more water.

See your dentist if your bad breath does not go away after all this work. If the source of the bad breath goes beyond oral problems or if there is a serious illness, the dentist will refer you to another doctor to determine the true cause of the problem.
The presence of food particles in the oral environment and the need to break them down increases the bacteria in the mouth and causes bad breath. Eating certain foods such as garlic, onions, spices, and pickles also contribute to bad breath, which enters the bloodstream after digestion and affects your breathing through the lungs.

Smoking itself creates an unpleasant odor in the mouth, and smokers’ breath usually gives off a foul odor that annoys others. Smokers also often develop gum disease, which is the source of bad breath.

If you do not brush or floss, leftover food particles will cause bad breath. On the other hand, usually a colorless and sticky mass (plaque) that forms on the teeth, if not brushed regularly, irritates the gums and gradually accumulates between the teeth and gums. On the other hand, your tongue will be a breeding ground for bacteria that cause bad breath. Prosthetic teeth, too, can become a breeding ground for bacteria, food retention, and odors if not cleaned regularly or properly.

Saliva kills particles that are the source of bad breath and helps keep the mouth clean. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, reduces the production of saliva and causes bad breath. Of course, as you know, dry mouth is normal during the night and at bedtime, and breathing in the morning smells bad, which is eliminated by rinsing the mouth. This is especially true for people who sleep with their mouths open. Chronic dry mouth is mostly due to a problem with the salivary glands or the presence of certain diseases.

Some medications are indirectly involved in causing bad breath because they cause dry mouth. Some drugs also have chemical interactions in the body that affect bad breath.

Bad breath may be caused by mouth sores after gum surgery or tooth extraction. It may be due to dental caries or to wounds and infections of the mouth and gums.
The best way to reduce bad breath and help prevent food cavities or to reduce the risk of gum disease is to maintain good oral hygiene. Depending on the cause of the problem, there are different treatments for bad breath. If your dentist suspects that the source of your bad breath is related to another complication or background of a disease, he or she will refer you to another doctor.

If the cause of bad breath is related to the oral environment or diseases related to the mouth and teeth, the dentist will take steps to help solve your problem.
To reduce or prevent bad breath, do the following:
Be sure to brush your teeth after all meals with fluoride toothpaste (at least two or three times a day), you can even prepare a toothbrush for your workplace so you can brush your mouth at mid-day meals. Toothpaste that has antibacterial properties reduce bad breath.

Flossing removes food particles and plaque left on the teeth and reduces bad breath.

Your tongue is where bacteria accumulate; so brushing your tongue can reduce bad breath. People who have so-called tongue-loading, such as smokers or those with dry mouth, have a more severe buildup of bacteria on their tongue and should use a tongue scraper to clean their tongue. You can use toothbrushes that have a special section for cleaning the tongue.

If you use dentures or dental plaque or have to use dental guards, be sure to clean them well before placing them and rinse them well after eating.

Avoid smoking to keep your mouth moist enough. Drink plenty of water instead of coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol, which can cause a dry mouth. To stimulate saliva secretion, chew sugar-free gum or suck diet candies. If your dry mouth is chronic or severe, see your doctor or dentist, who will help you with medication or artificial saliva preparation.