The advice of dentists is strictly not to take antibiotics for any pain and also not to consider any pain you feel in the back of your mouth as related to wisdom teeth. According to dentists, if you think that the pain you have is related to this tooth, you should definitely look for an appointment with a reliable dentist. Because any action to treat or relieve toothache can have a great impact on the health of the mouth and teeth. Only an experienced and reliable dentist will be able to determine whether the pain you feel is related to the growth of this tooth or not.

The right time to pull wisdom teeth

After a dentist has determined that a tooth needs to be extracted, according to the necessary examinations and usually using radiographic images, another important point is the time of wisdom tooth extraction.

In general, it can be said that the same time cannot be recommended for all people

Many factors are effective in determining the right time, including the severity of the pain, the extent of the symptoms that have been seen following the growth of this tooth in the mouth, including the effect that the growth of the tooth has on other teeth, or the investigation of possible infections, control or lack thereof. Their control with drug treatments and…

And in general, dentists believe that if the wisdom tooth does not have enough space for its growth, it is better to pull it from the age of 18.

Dos and don’ts of wisdom tooth surgery

After the doctor’s diagnosis that wisdom tooth surgery and extraction should be done, you should first of all know that wisdom tooth surgery is done on an outpatient basis and in fact you go home the same day after the surgery.

After the examinations and the day of the surgery is determined, you should ask your dentist about the following things so that the necessary foundation for the surgery is provided and you have sufficient preparation.

Will you be able to return home alone after surgery or will you need someone to accompany you?

What food precautions should you follow? And for how long?

If you are taking medicine, do you have an obstacle to continue taking it? If yes, when should you stop taking them before and after surgery?

How to do things related to oral and dental hygiene?

In case of dressing the surgical site, what tips should you do to change and remove the dressing?

Anesthesia during surgery:

One of your concerns and questions may be the method of anesthesia for surgery on a tooth that is extremely painful under normal conditions and its surgery can cause more discomfort.

One of the types of anesthesia is local anesthesia, which is usually administered by injection in the gum and near the surgical site, and you are completely awake.

According to the doctor’s diagnosis, you may be considered for sedation anesthesia, in the form of an intravenous injection in your arm, and in addition, local anesthesia is also used. In this case, you will have little memory of what was done

And the last case is general anesthesia, which is done by inhaling the anesthetic through the nose and intravenous medicine, and you will not be conscious and you will not feel any pain. At this time, your vital signs such as breathing, temperature and blood pressure are monitored.

After the surgery, local anesthesia is used to tolerate the pain caused by the surgery.

The choice of each of these methods is at the discretion of the dentist, and for very specific reasons, choosing a trusted and experienced dentist is one of the factors that influence the effective treatment process with minimal discomfort and pain.

A large tooth can be the result of different tooth development during tooth formation. One of the most common reasons for the appearance of teeth larger than normal is the occurrence of dental fusion. This fusion may occur between the buds of two teeth, and as a result, one tooth is missing from the dental units, or it is the result of the fusion of a tooth bud with an additional tooth, in which case the number of teeth is correct, but one of the teeth is out of proportion. The shape of the tooth will be large. Of course, the big tooth may be the result of another process called budding, which will be discussed in another article about the difference between these two teeth and their differential diagnosis.

What should be done with the big tooth resulting from fusion?

First of all, find out if the resulting big tooth has caused a problem for the patient or not. If the large tooth has decayed to the extent that nerve extraction is needed, the optimal treatment will be different than when we are dealing with a decayed tooth without dental nerve involvement. If orthodontics is needed, the equations are further messed up. In these cases, the opinion of an orthodontic specialist must be included regarding the treatment plan for the large tooth in question.

Under what conditions is the big tooth extracted from fusion?

Even if the patient needs orthodontics, in most cases, orthodontics without tooth extraction will be the best choice from the point of view of the patient and the orthodontist. But sometimes, if the patient needs orthodontics and also needs extraction, it can be considered lucky because by extracting the big tooth in question, the problem will actually be cleared!

Can it be treated without extracting the big tooth resulting from fusion?

This is definitely possible and sometimes even in the best interests of the patient. In this case, especially if the tooth needs nerve extraction, we may decide to change the shape of the tooth with shaving or restorative treatment and get closer to the natural shape. This is in favor of the beauty of the teeth in terms of achieving the proportion and symmetry of the teeth. However, if the tooth nerve is healthy, tooth grinding can cause tooth sensitivity or nerve death, and there is no justification except at the patient’s insistence and conscious will.

Front teeth in the upper jaw can have genetic causes and sometimes it is caused by bad habits such as thumb sucking. If this disorder is visible from childhood, the best time to treat it will be during childhood. By examining the position of the patient’s jaw and teeth, the orthodontist suggests one of the orthodontic methods, teeth extraction and jaw surgery.
You have probably seen people around you whose upper jaw teeth are more forward than usual. These people suffer from overjet and usually complain about their appearance due to their lack of attractiveness.

Causes of protruding teeth

Protrusion of upper jaw teeth is called overbite or overjet. There are various factors that affect overbite. The most common cause of overbite is genetic factors. People who suffer from this condition usually inherited this gene through one of their parents.
Sometimes the problem of maxillary teeth protrusion occurs in adulthood. In this case, jaw disorders caused by excessive growth of the jaw may be the cause of this condition.
If the length of the crown of the tooth is longer than normal, it may lead to the protrusion of the maxillary teeth.
Bad habits such as sucking fingers in childhood or using bottles and pacifiers for a long time lead to changes in the jaw, one of which is overbite.
Correcting the smile design

Why should you treat maxillary teeth protrusion?

People who are facing this disorder, after some time they experience pain in the jaw area. Sometimes they even hear their jaws click while chewing.
These people usually have problems in pronouncing some letters. In general, there are disorders in the speech of these people.
Since this problem is directly related to the person’s face, it reduces the patient’s self-confidence.
One of the most important reasons to treat an overbite is to maintain the health of the teeth. The front teeth of the upper jaw cause erosion between the teeth and finally, decay and the possibility of tooth failure increases.
Chewing food in these people is usually associated with many difficulties. People with this disorder also have problems biting food.

Treatment of prolapsed maxillary teeth

Before any treatment, the teeth should be examined to see the main cause of the disorder. If the protrusion of the maxillary teeth is due to improper placement of the teeth in the back part of the mouth, it is necessary to make changes in the angle and location of the teeth by performing orthodontics and treat this problem easily.
Sometimes the protrusion of the upper jaw teeth is due to the jaw being small compared to the teeth that have erupted. The crowding of the teeth causes disorganization and protrusion of the upper jaw teeth. To treat this case, it is enough to pull some teeth and then perform orthodontics.
Orthodontics and jaw surgery are also used in people whose upper jaw teeth are protruding due to jaw disorders. First, orthodontics is performed, and then the specialist and jaw surgeon, in coordination with the orthodontist, performs this surgery. The recovery period of jaw surgery is usually long and lasts between 6 months and 1 year.
If this problem is visible since childhood, it is better to do this treatment before the jaw bones harden. For example, the age of 10 to 14 years is the right time to treat children because the root cause of this problem has been diagnosed by dentists and milk teeth have replaced permanent teeth. On the other hand, by performing orthodontic procedures in childhood, severe complications of jaw surgery can be prevented in adulthood.

Many parents sometimes notice their children’s teeth grinding while sleeping. However, because children’s teeth and jaws change and grow so quickly, it’s not usually a destructive habit that needs treatment, and in most children it goes away as they get older. The main causes of teeth grinding in children include the following:

A feeling of pain when the teeth are erupting

Stress and emotional anxiety

Medicines such as antidepressants, antipsychotics

Medical conditions such as cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Many of the symptoms of teeth grinding in children are the same as in adults.

Management of grinding teeth in children depends on the amount of wear, the age of the child, the symptoms experienced, and the needs of the child and the parent or caregiver. A dentist or oral hygienist is needed to fully assess each child’s condition.

How does grinding teeth affect your oral health?

When you clench your teeth or grind your teeth while you sleep, the pressure force can be much higher than when you chew regularly. When eating, food causes chewing movements. But with sleep grinding, your teeth receive all the force. Grinding teeth can lead to:

Wear of tooth enamel and possibly dentin which leads to tooth sensitivity.

Tooth gap or lip filling, Denture Bridge or implants

Tooth sensitivity

Painful or loose tooth

Facial pain due to contraction of jaw muscles


Causes of teeth grinding

Many things can lead to teeth grinding. Some possible reasons are:

Sleep problems

Negative emotions such as stress

Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, caffeine and alcohol consumption

Some medications

Snoring, sleep talking, and sleep apnea

Snoring, sleep talking and even sleep apnea can contribute to teeth grinding. Sleep apnea affects your breathing while you sleep.

Stress, anger and anxiety can cause teeth grinding

Lifestyle can play a role in teeth grinding in adults

Smoking and drinking alcohol can increase the risk of teeth grinding, especially if consumed before bedtime.

Medications and disorders can lead to teeth grinding

Consult your doctor in these cases.

Prevention and treatment of teeth grinding

If you suspect that you grind your teeth at night, visit your doctor and report the symptoms. The dental hygienist is also trained to recognize common signs and symptoms. The good news is that you can reduce one of the biggest causes of teeth grinding right now with these tips:

Be relaxed

People with grinding teeth press their teeth together due to stress or anxiety. Relax before going to bed. Take a hot shower, read your favorite book

Use a night guard

If you still grind your teeth, talk to your dentist about using a night guard or mandibular advancement appliances.

Mandibular advancement devices

Mandibular advancement devices are special devices that move your lower jaw forward while you sleep. These are ideal for treating teeth grinding, which is most likely caused by a sleep disorder.

If grinding teeth leads to broken fillings, crowns, wear or fracture, the dentist will repair the fillings and crowns. A dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment to adjust the bite or correct tooth misalignment. Stress reduction techniques are another option you can start today!

Implant placement and its effect on beauty

In addition to the effect it has on improving the quality of life, dental implant placement has a great effect on the face and beauty. Implants, like natural teeth, can restore beauty to the face and increase self-confidence in people. There are different methods for treating toothlessness, such as implanting artificial teeth, etc., but implanting is lifelong and does not have the problems of artificial teeth.

The base of the implant is implanted inside the jaw bone and then the crown is placed on it, so it is firmly in place like a natural tooth and brings their beauty, even it is possible for some people to have an implant from their own natural teeth. It also looks more beautiful. Today, implant placement has a success rate of 92-98%.

The effect of implants on the face

Implant placement can have many effects on the face and beauty of the face, the jawbones are for supporting the teeth, when there is no tooth in the bone, the bones gradually weaken and become smaller, and finally the face becomes shorter and tighter. It becomes wet and the lips become shriveled because there are no teeth to support them and the lower part of the face becomes wrinkled.

Toothlessness changes the vertical distance of occlusion in your face and makes your face shorter. As mentioned, tooth loss and toothlessness lead to a decrease in facial height. To prevent toothlessness, apart from maintaining oral hygiene, try to visit the dentist regularly so that if you have a decayed tooth, it will be treated. .

When the implant is implanted, the jawbones begin to support it and the bone surface is maintained around the implant. In fact, this is one of the advantages of the implant, which allows the jaw bone to be preserved, and if you intend to use artificial teeth, the implant also helps to stabilize it and is a strong support to maintain the facial muscles, in fact, the implant can be Literally like a natural tooth.

First of all, in order to see the effect of the implant on your face, it is necessary to visit a dentist who has enough experience in implant implantation to perform all the steps correctly, because if the implant is not implanted correctly, it is possible that the implantation is inevitable. it will fail and then it will bring many problems.

Among the advantages of implants, the following can be mentioned:

long life

Dental implants can be used for life.

Preservation of bone

Implant placement causes bone retention and prevents its degeneration.

increasing the self confidence

Because of its beauty, the implant is like a natural tooth and increases self-confidence.

Talking and eating comfortably

After the implantation of the implant, you can easily speak without anything disturbing you, and after completing the full course of treatment, you can easily eat any food and you will not have any problems in this field.

Your orthodontist may have talked to you about molars during orthodontic treatment. To get acquainted with molar teeth, we will first provide a general description of the tooth. Teeth have the hardest structure among the body parts, in other words, they are the hardest and most rigid part of the body. The teeth are located in the oral cavity and on the gums in the upper and lower jaws and play the first role in eating and digesting food.

Types of permanent teeth

The main use of teeth is to grind and grind food or to physically digest food. Teeth in humans also play a very important role in speaking and pronouncing words correctly.

Permanent teeth are divided into 4 types and named. The front or incisor teeth are for cutting and shredding, the canine or canine teeth for cutting and tearing, the small mill or premolars for crushing and grinding, and the large mill or molar teeth for further wear and chewing.

The last three teeth on either side of the upper and lower jaws are called the great molars, the great molars, the molar, or the molar. The number of these teeth is a total of 12 molar teeth, which are called the first, second and third mills, respectively. The teeth of the first mill are located right next to the second teeth of the small mill or premolar.

The molar teeth have a large surface area for chewing. Also on the chewing surface of these teeth, which play a major role in abrasion and crushing food, there are several cusps or point protrusions that are used to crush food.

What is the structure of molar teeth?

The structure of the jaws and jaws is such that through the bone and the connection of the tendons and the muscles, it is possible to apply a lot of force with the aim of chewing and grinding by each molars. The eruption of molar teeth and how they are placed in orthodontics is of special importance.

In vegetarians such as cattle and horses, the molar teeth are flat and have relatively sharp edges. In these animals, the specific surface area for chewing molar teeth is higher and these teeth are mainly responsible for chewing forage. In fact, the type of molars or large mill teeth in vegetarians is adapted to feed on hard and dry materials.

In carnivores, the teeth of the large mill are sharper and their specific chewing surface is more limited than in the molar teeth of vegetarians. These teeth are also differentiated according to the type of diet of carnivores, with the priority of tearing and tearing the meat and then rapid chewing.

The importance of molar teeth in oral health and beauty

The first molar teeth play an important role in chewing. This tooth also acts as a guide for the growth of other permanent teeth and its presence has a significant effect on the natural shape of the jaws and ultimately the beauty of the face composition. If there is a disturbance in the growth of this tooth, it will cause misalignment of the teeth.

If we count the teeth of the two jaws from the midline of the teeth, the sixth tooth in each maxillary quarter (upper and lower jaws on the right and left) is called the first great molars, the first molar or the sixth tooth.

This tooth grows around the age of six and as the first permanent tooth in children’s mouths. For this reason, this tooth is sometimes referred to as the six-year-old tooth.

The first molar teeth play an important role in chewing. In addition, this tooth acts as a guide for the growth of other permanent teeth and its presence plays a significant role in the natural shape of the teeth and consequently the shape of the jaws.

Because permanent teeth are expected to appear in the mouth after the deciduous teeth loosen and fall out, sometimes parents do not notice the growth and permanence of the tooth, and in many cases, they sometimes realize its existence and Kelly pays attention to the molar teeth, which, in the examination of the teeth and mouth, the dentist discusses caries and the need to repair the first tooth of Asia Minor.

What is the third molar or wisdom tooth?

The teeth of the third large mill are known as wisdom teeth. These teeth are located at the end of the jaws and usually begin to grow around the age of 20.

The third molars have special problems, the main reason being the lack of space for the teeth to grow and compress on the jaw. Wisdom teeth remain under other teeth or bones and cause a phenomenon called impacted wisdom teeth, which is accompanied by pain and pressure in the jaw and sometimes requires surgery.

Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of boiling water and wait for it to cool slightly until there is no longer any danger to your mouth and burns with hot water. Then fill your mouth with salt water and swirl it in your mouth for at least 30 seconds or more, then rinse it out.

Then repeat this process and this time roll with it for a few seconds before pouring out the solution. Do this three to five times a day to relieve pain and see a dentist.

If you do not have sea salt, you can use regular salt because this type of salt also has a special disinfection, but does not contain any minor minerals that relieve pain.

Keep in mind that the pain may return a few days later, and this time it may be even more severe. In this case, see a doctor immediately.

 Avoid hot or cold foods and drinks

For some people, toothache can be caused by exposure to very hot or cold foods and drinks. Nerve roots are overly sensitive and can cause the most pain. In these cases, avoid hot tea and coffee, sugary drinks with ice. Do not freeze if you have a toothache – this will probably help reduce inflammation, but it will most likely irritate the nerve roots and increase the pain. Avoid eating kebabs, soups and hot broth, at least until cool.

The first sign of tooth decay may be the feeling of pain in the teeth while eating something very hot or cold.

In addition to ice molds, chewing hard nuts, seeds and beans can also make toothache worse and possibly lead to more damage to broken teeth.

Avoid eating any very sweet foods

 In addition to extreme temperatures (hot / cold), foods and beverages that are too sweet can also cause or exacerbate toothache. Refined sugar can further damage caries caused by tooth decay and uncovered nerve channels, so eating fruits is usually okay. On the other hand, you should not eat Pashmak, toffee, chocolate bar, razor, donut, ice cream or very sweet foods. Also avoid beverages such as fizzy drinks and sweetened iced tea or coffee.

Hard chocolates can cause toothache more than ever: they are too sweet and so hard that they can damage cracked or weak teeth.

Even healthy snacks, such as granola bar, can be a problem for toothaches due to the presence of honey, sweet raisins and dates, and worst of all, hard nuts.

Regular brushing and flossing

 Learn proper oral hygiene practices to prevent new or worsening damage and reduce bad breath. These steps will keep your teeth healthy, strong and painless.

Brush twice a day and floss once a day. See your dentist at least once a year or even every six months for a checkup. Your dentist can detect any problems with your teeth.

While regular brushing and flossing can not go back in time and repair the damage done to the tooth, it can prevent future caries and also be a solution to reduce bone calculus before tooth decay.

Try to have a toothbrush with you in your bag or car, so you can use your toothbrush anywhere. If you can not brush, at least rinse your mouth with water.

Use special toothbrushes and toothpaste

If toothache is caused by tooth sensitivity, consider using a toothbrush and toothpaste that are designed specifically for overly sensitive teeth. You can find such products in most pharmacies.

Sensitive teeth usually cause the gums to recede. As the gums shrink, the dentin beneath the surface of the enamel remains uncoated. Sensitive toothpastes are designed to clean this area of ​​the teeth with softer ingredients.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. If your toothache is related to retraction of the gums, a soft-bristled toothbrush can be used to preserve more tissue from your normal gums.

Medium and rough toothbrushes are usually good for caries, but soft toothbrushes are better options for those with gum pain or similar problems.

Consult your dentist

Each brief shot of pain in the mouth does not require a dental examination, but many toothaches usually do not go away and become more aggressive over time.

Toothache that lasts for more than a few days; Symptoms of infection, such as excessive swelling, increasing pain when biting, inflamed red gums and / or the presence of white purulent discharge with blood; Difficulty breathing or swallowing; Any fever with pain. Your dentist will examine your mouth and will probably take a radiograph of your teeth. Tooth decay, abscesses, gingivitis, cracked teeth or even rough abrasions are all common causes of pain that can be treated in a dentist’s office. If you or your child has recently experienced oral trauma, talk to your dentist.


Grapes contain malic acid, which helps whiten your teeth naturally. If we consume grapes for a short time, you will gradually notice the reduction of stains and discoloration of the teeth and you will have a beautiful smile with white teeth. In addition, grapes have antioxidant properties that act like bacteria in the mouth, so it is effective in preventing inflammation and toothache.

Strengthen teeth with crisp fruit & vegetables

Chewing crunchy foods such as carrots, apples and cucumbers can remove dental plaque and be used as a way to clean teeth.

Eat cheese to have healthy teeth

Consumption of dairy products in addition to improving the general health of the body affects the strength of bones and teeth. Cheese is rich in calcium and has properties that prevent cavities and regulates the pH of the tooth and mouth; It is recommended to eat a small piece of low-fat cheese every day to strengthen teeth.


The right amount of water and fiber in this fruit stimulates the production of saliva and protects the teeth against acid. Pears have a neutralizing effect compared to other fruits, and anything that helps the neutralization process is good for the teeth because it removes acids from the enamel and strengthens the enamel.

Almonds strengthen teeth

In addition to keeping the brain healthy, almonds are also good for keeping your teeth and gums healthy and healthy because they contain enough calcium, vitamin E and dietary fiber. Calcium is important for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay. Calcium deficiency leads to easy wear and tear of teeth.

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that help fight tooth and gum disease. Dietary fiber also reduces plaque formation by stimulating saliva production. However, cocoa-coated nuts should be avoided.


Eating garlic helps strengthen teeth and reduces the risk of various gum diseases. Garlic has strong antimicrobial properties that help keep your mouth and teeth free of any bacteria.


Red meat is a rich source of phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the main components of tooth enamel, so eating red meat helps to regenerate and strengthen your teeth.


Onions help keep teeth healthy by having an antibacterial compound called sulfur.

What foods are harmful to teeth?

Lemon, orange and grapefruit

Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which has a low pH rating, which can damage tooth enamel and cause decay. If you eat these fruits or their extracts for breakfast, it is best to avoid eating other acidic foods throughout the day to minimize damage to your teeth.


Sorry for the coffee fans, we must say that this drink is very harmful to the health of your teeth. The tannic acids in coffee, in addition to damaging tooth enamel, can also cause brown coffee stains. However, if we do not consume this drink too much, we can take advantage of its many properties and prevent damage to the teeth.


Fruits such as tomatoes can also damage dental health, so do not overdo it.


Sticky chocolates and sweets such as cookies, cakes and snacks such as chips are the cause of dental problems and not only have no nutritional value, but the type and amount of sugar in them sticks to the teeth. Bacteria in the mouth also feed on these sugars and release acid, which can cause tooth decay. So to prevent caries and also strengthen teeth, it is better to avoid eating these foods.

Popcorn for teeth

We all love to eat popcorn in the cinema, but be careful that they also damage your teeth. First, they get stuck easily between the teeth, increasing the chances of bacteria growing. The ones that are lost are very hard and you can damage your enamel or broken tooth again.


We often use vinegar in salad dressings, sauces, pickles and some potato chips and it is important to know that this can cause tooth decay. Studies have warned of an increased risk of enamel erosion for people who frequently consume vinegar-rich foods. Vinegar is an important ingredient in a delicious salad, but you should remember to rinse your mouth with water afterwards to minimize the potential risk.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are also high-sugar foods that are converted to acid in the mouth by bacteria. Now add the stickiness of these foods to its sugar content. The danger is that the tooth will be exposed to the remnants of these foods, which have been converted to acid, for a long time. The result is that the enamel is damaged and the teeth eventually rot from the inside out.

Do not drink soda to strengthen teeth

Almost all of us know that soda is a death sentence for healthy teeth due to its high sugar content, high carbon content and acidic content. Numerous studies show that drinking too much or even  too little causes tooth decay.

To correct the shape and size of the tooth or to align the tooth is one of the cosmetic dental methods in which a small amount of enamel, i.e. the outer layer covering the tooth, is cut to correct the shape, height or surface of one or more teeth. Sometimes it is enough to cut a few millimeters of the tooth in the right place to make the tooth more beautiful. Correction of tooth shape and size is often done along with bonding. Bonding is another cosmetic dental procedure in which the shape of the tooth is modified using composites of the same color as the tooth. Shaping and aligning teeth is sometimes the first step in more expensive cosmetic dentistry, such as veneers, teeth whitening, and crown lengthening, which take months or even years to complete. But if you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on expensive cosmetic dental treatments, correcting the shape of the teeth and aligning the teeth will bring a beautiful smile on your lips.

Problems that can be corrected by the method of measuring teeth

Defects or problems such as partial overlap or abnormal shape of the teeth, partial filling or fracture of the lip, or excessive sharpness of the canines can often be corrected by partial grinding of the teeth to correct the shape and alignment of the teeth.


Although cosmetic dentistry is a maintenance method for changing the appearance of teeth, it is still best to examine the strengths and weaknesses of this method before making a decision to make sure it is appropriate. The benefits of correcting the shape and size of the teeth are as follows:

lower cost

Scratching teeth is a cheap way to have a more attractive smile. The cost of this procedure is usually determined by each tooth and the extent of the treatment. If the tooth defect is the result of an injury or accident, the insurance will pay part of the cost.


Because only superficial enamel is cut, the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain during treatment and does not need anesthesia.

Promoting dental health

Elimination of minor dental overlaps and other defects that can be the site of plaque and plaque accumulation, reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Orthodontic alternative

Correcting and aligning teeth can sometimes be an alternative to orthodontics, as this simple method can also align teeth and eliminate overlap and irregularity.

 Ideal treatment

Correcting and aligning teeth is the best method for people who want to make only minor changes to their teeth or whose teeth need a minor restoration. This procedure is recommended for patients whose teeth are slightly crooked or irregular or too sharp or one side of the tooth is more protruding than the other. Of course, scratching teeth is not suitable for decayed, denervated or unhealthy gums.


Correction of tooth shape is done using special dental tools and abrasion techniques. The dentist carefully cuts the enamel with a laser or drill. Before starting the treatment, the teeth are photographed to check the location and amount of pulp and to ensure the health of the teeth. The dentist then marks the areas needed for sharpening and beautification with a pencil. The dentist then cuts the deformed areas, shortens the tooth, or manipulates the abnormal tooth to fit the rest of the tooth and correct problems with bite or misaligned teeth. The dentist eliminates or minimizes the surface defects of the teeth with a special polishing device and sometimes scales the sides of the teeth with sandpaper-like strips. The dentist eventually straightens and polishes the teeth. Correction of tooth shape and size sometimes requires only a 30-minute session, although the duration of treatment depends on its extent.

If the shape of the tooth is corrected along with the bonding, the dentist can correct the filling and the distance between the teeth, make the tooth more beautiful and its color better. Before applying the resin, the dentist applies a dermal device such as acid to the tooth surface to allow the resin to adhere well to the tooth. Because this causes tooth sensitivity, the dentist may anesthetize the tooth. The dentist sometimes applies a preparation fluid to the tooth to strengthen the bond between the resin and the tooth. The dentist forms the resin and finally dries and hardens it with light. Bonding lasts 30 minutes to an hour, if beautification is more than one tooth, the patient is given several sessions.

Limitations-Partiality of change

Contrasting and aligning teeth Unlike some cosmetic dental procedures, cosmetic changes do not cause a significant change in the smile and do not whiten the teeth. So if you want a complete change and a significant modification of the smile design, it is better to try veneer. Aesthetic shaving removes only small imperfections, while veneer covers the entire front surface of the tooth and turns the tooth completely upside down.

Increased risk of tooth decay

Depending on the amount of enamel that is shaved while correcting the shape of the tooth, the tooth may become sensitive after a while. If a lot of enamel is shaved, there is a possibility of tooth breakage.

Digital implant surgery is the wonder of modern dentistry. They are replacement teeth that are supported by your jawbone, just like natural teeth, so they allow you to enjoy all your favorite foods, you do not need special care, and with proper care may last a lifetime.

Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile right now? Losing teeth can not only lower your self-esteem, it can also affect your oral health.

Digital implant surgery uses a three-dimensional computer simulation to examine bone position and nerve position. Using this information, a reputable cosmetic dentist can perform surgery with minimal incisions. Because digital implant surgery focuses on making the smallest possible incision, the pain will be much less than with traditional implant surgery.

During dental procedures, an accurate guide is used on the teeth to ensure that no damage is done to the nerve or surrounding teeth. This guide also helps dentists make precise yet small incisions for dental implants.

Now, with the new method of digital tooth implantation, doctors can perform your procedure faster and easier than before.

The idea of ​​minimally invasive surgery is that if patients want to have minimal pain and discomfort and a short recovery time, they should tolerate a minimum incision. For dental implants, this means making small incisions that do not require stitches.

Minimal incision surgery is also very suitable for significantly reducing bleeding and swelling after dental surgery. General incision surgery, on the other hand, requires the dentist to cut the gums to the end of the bone, examine the position of your nerves, and examine the condition of the bone.

With traditional dental implant surgery, the gums must be cut along the entire length of the implant site. This is why many patients are now turning to digital implant surgery. Digital implant surgery requires minimal incisions because it uses a three-dimensional CT scan to check bone and nerve position. Traditional dental implant surgery, on the other hand, requires making a large incision along the gums to the bone.

The cavity we make to place the dental implant is so small that it does not need to be sutured. This not only reduces your recovery period, but also reduces the risk of swelling, bleeding and infection. The whole digital implant surgery usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes for every 1 to 2 dental implants.

It should be noted that with the use of digital dental implants, you still enjoy all the benefits of traditional dental implants. This includes:

Natural appearance of teeth

Normal tooth function

No special care

Stimulates the jawbone to maintain facial structure.

Can last a lifetime (clinical studies prove performance of +30 years)

Doctors do not sacrifice any of these benefits in digital tooth implantation. But this method has additional benefits.

Shutter method

One of the great advantages of digital dental implants is that they do not take long. While traditional dental implant surgery for two implants can take 130 minutes or more, the digital denture surgery stage allows us to examine all the details beforehand and optimize the procedure.As a result, your dental implant may take less than 15 minutes.

Grit your teeth faster

With digital dental implants, you will most likely get your temporary tooth on the same day. And in general, you are likely to recover faster, on average 5-7 days, compared to traditional 123 days.

Easier method

Many people are concerned about whether a dental implant will be damaged, but with modern anesthesia, there is no discomfort during the operation. And by using digital dental implants, dentists can reduce the discomfort even more. This method does not require cutting or stitching. The mock surgery stage also allows us to optimize the method of minimizing gum and jaw disorders.

And if you are still worried about this procedure, dentists offer soothing dentistry to help you relax.

Less visits to the dentist

With a traditional dental implant, you should be in the office at almost every stage of planning. This may mean at least seven visits to the dentist for a dental implant. But with digital dental implants, dentists can do a lot of planning without your presence by working on a digital model.