In general, when the toothache relieves us, we want the dentist to start the treatment process immediately, and in these cases, the dentist usually deals with the history of various diseases in the person during the description he receives from the client, and if the person If you have heart disease, several things must be considered during the treatment process.

One of these cases is the use of anesthesia as a precaution, because due to the use of these drugs, the heart rate may increase faster and the heart may beat faster. The cause of this condition is high blood pressure.

The anesthetic that should be used for this type of heart disease is different from others

Another thing that should be considered in the dentistry of heart patients is to perform different stages of treatment in a calm and stress-free environment, and also the time to do it should be as short as possible.

Contraindications to dental services for heart patients

Before starting any operation on the teeth of heart patients, their blood pressure should be monitored and the dentist is not allowed to perform therapeutic functions for people with high blood pressure.

People who have had a heart attack or have had heart surgery in the last six months.

How does a doctor find out about a client’s heart disease?

One of the necessary tasks before starting the treatment process is to get a history from the patient about possible diseases and medications. If this is the first time the patient sees a dentist, the patient should be asked about his general condition in an intimate environment. Also, a knowledgeable physician can diagnose some diseases by considering the physical symptoms.

What should be done if the client is found to have heart problems during treatment?

The treatment process should be stopped immediately and if the patient is in serious condition, he / she should be referred to the nearest general practitioner immediately.

Recommendations for heart patients:

Because not knowing the dentist about your medical history can have serious risks for you and also affect your effective treatment process, be sure to provide a description of your heart problems and the medications you are taking to the dentist. Also, tell your doctor if you have a heart battery, as there may be an interference between this device and the electromagnetic devices inside the office, in which case precautions should be considered.

Tips on dental treatment in anesthesia

Another recommendation is that in addition to presenting your history to the dentist, consult your cardiologist before any procedure so that you can be given any advice if necessary. Sometimes a cardiologist’s diagnosis may be needed to delay the dental treatment for several months.

Be sure to tell your dentist if you are taking medications such as warfarin, aspirin and Plavix that are anticoagulants.

Primary teeth, like permanent teeth, can be tilted.

Sometimes in children, due to lack of space or small upper and lower jaws, there is not enough space for teeth to grow, so the tooth comes out of the unusual path and grows in the wrong direction.

Having crooked baby teeth does not mean that your baby will have permanent crooked teeth. However, if there is not enough space for the teeth to grow, you should expect your child’s permanent teeth to become crooked. When the mouth is small, there is less space for the teeth to grow and position, which allows the teeth to move from where they need to.

Crooked jaws can also lead to crooked teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Humans today typically have smaller jaws because the foods that humans use today are more soft and processed and require less chewing than the foods our early ancestors ate.

One of the main causes of severe tooth tilting is an accident. Some accidents that occur to the face, such as a blow to the jaw or mouth, can lead to tooth tilting. Poor teeth and nutrition noted

Some bad habits such as sucking on a finger or tools and toys in childhood can cause the baby’s baby teeth to be tilted. Becoming a child’s tooth.

Inheritance and genetics

Genetics is one of the main causes of children’s crooked teeth. In fact, it can be said that the patterns of teeth in the mouth and jaw are inherited from our parents and we cannot have any control over it.

If one or both parents have crooked teeth, it is likely that the child will not have regular teeth either. If you inherit crooked teeth from your parents, you may even have more problems with crooked teeth than your parents.


When the normal alignment of the teeth and jaw is disturbed, it is said that a person has occlusion. The most common types of malocclusion are overbite and underbite. If the child has an orbital problem, the front teeth of the upper jaw protrude relatively far from the front teeth in the lower jaw. If the child has an underbite, the lower jaw teeth will be in front of the upper jaw.

Complications of tilting a child’s teeth

Problems that crooked teeth cause for the child are:

Periodontal disease

Decreased self-confidence

Speech problems

Excessive wear

Difficulty chewing food

If we do not pay attention to crooked teeth and do not treat them, it can lead to gum disease. Gum disease occurs when the bacteria inside the gums become plaque. Crooked teeth are difficult to clean, so if the gums are not properly placed around the tooth, more bacteria will grow on it, leading to decay.

Treatment of crooked teeth in children

To treat abnormalities or crooked teeth in children, the type of abnormality must first be diagnosed. Methods such as X-rays, photography, impressions, models and computers can be used to diagnose abnormalities.

Ordinary photography can also be used to detect these connections. The impression made by the patient’s teeth as a result of the pressure of the patient’s teeth on a soft material is also used to model the teeth.

After diagnosing the type of abnormality, the correct treatment option is selected. Sometimes only a temporary clip is needed, and in other cases, such as severe overbite or underbite, surgery is needed. But in most cases, braces are the main treatment option.

Left untreated, dental infections can lead to serious and sometimes dangerous infections.

Bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, fever, pain, sensitivity of the teeth to cold or heat, swollen gums, swollen glands in the neck, and swelling in the jaw are symptoms of an infection in the mouth and teeth. .

According to the Journal of Endodontics, in a study of 61, 439 hospitalized patients who developed a dental abscess, 66 patients died from a dental infection. It is very important to observe oral health and perform regular dental examinations.

How does an infected tooth lead to sepsis?
Oral infections can occur in the gums, lips, palate, cheeks and tongue, or at the root of the tooth. Tooth infection also occurs inside or under the tooth, due to tooth decay or fracture. When an infection occurs, the bacteria can leave the tooth and spread to the bone or tissue below, causing a tooth abscess, which can lead to sepsis. As mentioned, sepsis requires timely diagnosis and treatment to survive.

High fever and rapid heartbeat are common symptoms of sepsis. Difficulty breathing may also occur. Skin blemishes are also a sign of the development of sepsis.

Can a tooth infection affect the brain?

Dental abscesses can also lead to meningitis. A condition that causes inflammation of the membranes near the spinal cord and brain. If the bacterial infection is not treated and transmitted to the bloodstream, it spreads to the spinal cord and around the brain. People with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of developing the disease.

Another condition that can be caused by the spread of an uncontrolled bacterial infection to the throat is called Ludwig’s angina. Ludwig’s angina is a rare skin infection that occurs in the floor of the mouth, under the tongue. This bacterial infection often occurs after a tooth abscess. It can also lead to other infections or mouth injuries. The infection is more common in adults than children. People who are treated quickly usually recover completely, but if left untreated can cause severe swelling of the airways and lead to suffocation. Breathing problems, difficulty speaking, neck and ear pain, fever, weakness, confusion and fatigue are common symptoms of Ludwig’s angina.

How should I treat a tooth infection?

If you have symptoms of a tooth infection, see a dentist right away. As with all infections, the infection in your mouth should be treated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of complications, including sepsis.

According to the diagnosis of oral diseases and the research of oral lesions, it has been proven that poor oral hygiene and poor dental hygiene can cause severe symptoms of coronary heart disease and coronary ulcers. Corona virus is a respiratory infection and one of the ways this infection is spread is by coughing or sneezing. Saliva droplets, meanwhile, play a major role in transmitting the disease from person to person, and when particles of the corona virus are transmitted to the surface by coughing or sneezing, they can easily come into contact with others and cause the disease. Here’s how to transmit the corona virus through oral hygiene…

Studies on the transmission of coronary heart disease have shown that the oral environment of people with poor hygiene, facilitates the transfer of germs into the lungs and causes disease and inflammation in the lungs. Regular hand washing is essential for oral hygiene due to direct contact with the mouth. The salivary glands, nasal cavity, and tonsils are the most common types of ACE receptors, so viruses in the mouth and nose are easily transmitted to the respiratory tract. For this reason, toothpaste and toothbrush are said to contain cleansers that can act as a disinfectant in the mouth. Corona oral infection is more severe in people with poor oral hygiene. Oral microbial space is one of the dangerous substrates for easier coronary transmission, and this will be exacerbated in people with underlying diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and others.

People who use dentures should be more careful about their oral hygiene and prioritize regular brushing of dentures, as germs can be easily transmitted to the mouth in this situation.

Experts in the field of coronavirus transmission research recommend that if you do not eat food for a long time and do not even drink water, it will reduce the flow of saliva in the mouth and cause decay and transmission and multiplication of the virus in the oral environment. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid drinking and not eating for a long time.

How to maintain good oral hygiene in Corona

In order for the oral cavity to function properly, it is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste to prevent the deterioration of coronary heart disease, in case of infection, in the area of ​​the mouth and teeth.

Adhere to dental care standards. Brush twice a day and use medicated mouthwash if needed. Some types of toothpaste relieve dental allergies and can therefore be used to control infection until you see a dentist.

 If you have sensitive teeth, avoid eating very hot or cold food.

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when necessary.

Clean the toothbrush properly after use to make sure it is not contaminated.

Hygiene tips when attending a dental clinic:

Wear a face mask when visiting a dentist and consulting a doctor.

If you need to use the toilet, wash your hands properly and according to the hygiene instructions.

Try to avoid carrying unnecessary items such as watches, jewelry and other items.

If you observe any of the following conditions, it is necessary to see a dentist as soon as possible:

Swelling of the cheeks or gums and severe pain from possible swelling or infection.

Severe tooth sensitivity or toothache.

Bleeding gums.

 Enamel and dentin are important parts that are the last layer of our teeth and are responsible for providing strength and preventing decay. The material from which enamel and dentin are made is the hardest mineral in the human body. This part of the teeth, in addition to being very important in terms of strength and health of the teeth, also has a great impact on the appearance of people and is more visible than other parts. These parts protect the inside of the tooth from plaque, acidic substances, drinks or very hot and cold foods. Therefore, tooth enamel and dentin are more prone to erosion and damage than other parts. After your enamel is damaged, erosion and damage can reach the inside of the tooth and cause many problems. In the continuation of this article, we will get acquainted with the complications of enamel and dentin and the ways of their prevention and treatment.

Signs of enamel and dentin damage

The dangers and injuries that threaten your enamel have different symptoms at different stages of their development. Also, the existence of a variety of complications of enamel and dentin makes the need to recognize the symptoms of these problems more important.

 If the process of erosion of your enamel or dentin has progressed, you will feel very severe pain in your teeth. This pain can be especially severe when you consume sugary foods and foods or drinks that are hot or cold. In acute cases, the pain will be very severe and unbearable. However, in the early stages of caries, you may feel a slight tenderness as the tooth cools and warms.

Color change

 In this condition, the person’s teeth tend to turn yellow. This problem is more common on teeth and dentin, and you will see yellow or even brown spots. In such cases, you should consult a dentist and take the first steps to prevent other problems.

 Cuts on the enamel

In this case, the surface of your tooth looks cut and deformed.


Enamel and dentin complications are caused by certain conditions, there are also factors that increase the likelihood of decay and damage to the enamel over time.

Tiny fractures

Occasionally there are small cracks in your teeth when you chew food, especially solid foods, which gradually turn into larger fractures. This will speed up the process of eroding your teeth.


 If your teeth are exposed to acidic substances, you will see them decay over time. Taking vitamin and aspirin pills, sour and carbonated foods or drinks, gastric acid reflux or vomiting, low saliva, and… reasons that can increase the erosion of your teeth due to corrosion. Diseases such as bulimia or bulimia nervosa can also cause your teeth to erode, because in this disease the person involuntarily eats and then is forced to vomit, which makes the enamel more prone to damage.

Scratching the enamel

Brushing too hard, flossing incorrectly, biting hard objects such as pens, pencils or nails will scratch your teeth and further promote tooth decay.

 People who struggle with bruxism when they wake up or sleep are more likely to develop tooth decay and enamel.

The effect of bacteria on enamel and dentin complications

Usually, after consuming any food, a lot of bacteria in your mouth consume starch and sweet foods. After absorbing these substances, the bacteria produce a special acid that will damage your enamel. Also, some bacteria can cause many problems for the health of the mouth and gums. Of course, keep in mind that the acids in some beverages and foods that are consumed throughout the day (such as soft drinks) are much higher than the amount of acid produced by bacteria. Acids cause the enamel to decompose over time, so you will gradually see the size of your teeth shrink. In recent years, the incidence of enamel and dentin complications in children has increased. According to experts, one of the main reasons for this problem is excessive consumption of non-organic and acidic beverages.

What is dental plaque and what effect does it have on the complications of tooth enamel and dentin?

The ingredients of dental plaque are bacteria, food, saliva and other substances in the mouth. The plaque usually forms in the space between the teeth, small holes in the dentin, around the filling, between the gums and the teeth, and so on.

People usually seek treatment for broken teeth when they feel pain in their teeth. When a tooth breaks, it usually does not cause pain. Only the sharp edge of the tooth can be felt with the tongue. Of course, if the rate of tooth fracture is high, it will cause a lot of pain and damage to the person.

 Teeth usually have a strong structure and can be broken for one of the following reasons:

Eating food that is too hard or too hard for the teeth to bear.

Severe external impact to the mouth due to an accident or fall

Tooth fillings that are old or do not take care of the crown.

Types of tooth fractures

There are different types of tooth fractures that can be classified into the following categories. Note that if you have any of these fractures, see a dentist immediately. Because the presence of a broken tooth can cause further damage.

Chrysalis tooth fracture:

This type of fracture is the mildest. Chrysaline refers to the fine lines on which the enamel is affected. It has no pain and does not cause any problems for the person. Some people may think of a solution to these fine lines on the teeth because of the beauty of the teeth.

Tooth decay:

Fractures of the masticatory teeth are called cusp fractures. These types of fractures are painless but can be injuries that need to be treated.

Cracked teeth:

A tooth crack is a condition in which a crack develops from the surface to the root. If these cracks are treated early, it can prevent complete tooth loss.

Halved teeth:

If a cracked tooth is not treated, it usually causes the tooth to halve. Because this crack spreads and continues to the end of the tooth. In such a case, it is usually not possible to do dental work.

Vertical root fracture:

This type of fracture is the opposite of a cracked tooth and comes from the root to the tooth surface. This type of fracture has no specific symptoms but can cause gingivitis. Vertical root scrub is a type of scrub that should be referred to a dentist soon.

Broken tooth treatment strategies:

Repair of a broken tooth has different treatment plans depending on the degree of fracture, damage or lack of damage to the tooth nerve and the presence or absence of a broken piece.

If the nerve of the tooth (pulp) is not damaged and there is a completely broken piece, the broken piece can be attached to the tooth.

Congratulations! Your baby’s baby teeth have fallen out. The mission of this small tooth in the oral cavity is over. A small, rootless tooth crown in your hands. Many parents mistakenly think that baby teeth have such an appearance from the beginning, so they face many questions during dental treatment.

Natural deciduous teeth

When the deciduous teeth are complete, there are 20 teeth inside the oral cavity, including 8 maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, 4 canines, and 8 deciduous molars. All the components that are in permanent teeth are also present in deciduous teeth. The constituents in the enamel crown part are dentin and crown nerve and in cement root part, dentin and root nerve are.

The anterior teeth and canines have one root and the posterior teeth have two to three roots.

The average length of deciduous teeth is between 10 and 15 mm.

These roots decompose slowly and slowly throughout the child’s life, and when the root is completely decomposed, it is time for the baby tooth to fall out and the permanent tooth to be replaced.

The process of caries progression

Caries in a child’s teeth initially involves the analysis of small spots in the enamel. If the necessary treatments are not given to the child at this stage, the caries will gradually spread and penetrate the dentin. If not done at this stage, the caries will progress and spread to the nerve of the deciduous tooth

Infiltration of tooth decay into the area of ​​the deciduous nerve is usually associated with severe pain and discomfort in the child, although in some cases due to the slow progression the child may have no symptoms of pain and the dentist can detect tooth decay by radiography of the tooth. Delayed stage may occur due to microbial interactions of the infected tooth nerve and dental abscess and removal of pus from the gums of the affected tooth.

If tooth decay has progressed to the level of enamel and dentin, treatment is needed to repair the teeth. These restorations are performed at the discretion of the dentist with composite materials (tooth-colored materials) or amalgam (silver-colored materials). In the event of extensive damage to the deciduous crown, pediatric veneers made of stainless steel may be used. The choice of restoration type should be left entirely to the dentist because in many cases restoration with a specific type of material may not be possible or appropriate for your child’s teeth.

The steps of denervation treatment for deciduous teeth are different from adults. At the discretion of the dentist and according to the radiographic condition of the affected tooth, only the coronary nerve or the crown and root nerve may be treated.

Does deciduous tooth denervation damage the permanent dental nerve?

Performing denervation treatment of deciduous teeth will not have any side effects for permanent teeth.

Is deciduous tooth denervation treatment tolerable for a child?

The pediatric dentist will prepare your child for treatment using behavioral control techniques. After dental anesthesia, the treatment will not cause pain to the child.

Is there a need for neurosurgery treatment due to deciduous teeth?

Primary teeth should remain in the oral cavity until a certain age. This age is about 6 to 7 years for anterior teeth and about 9 to 12 years for canines and posterior teeth.

The beauty and health of the teeth are the most important criteria for recognizing the beauty of the face. The beauty and beauty of the teeth, in addition to beauty, to some extent also shows the dignity and personality type of people. A person who has self-confidence and considers himself valuable, cares about the health of his body and avoids any clutter and disorder.

The health of the teeth is more visible to those around them than any other organ in the body, so not taking care of the health and beauty of the teeth will quickly have an adverse effect on the eyes of those around them.

The beauty of teeth at home: Smiling is one of the natural human reactions when meeting other people. When smiling, the teeth, due to their glossy appearance, quickly attract attention and affect the audience. It is clear to what extent the whiteness and health of the teeth, when seeing the smile of the audience, can affect the beauty of the face.

Dark, spotted and scaly teeth also have a negative effect on the beauty of a person’s face and create a very unpleasant scene when dreaming with other people and talking to them. Taking care of the beauty of the teeth, in itself, increases self-confidence and provides the basis for social relationships.

Natural ways to whiten teeth

If the teeth are healthy and in a regular row, teeth whitening can complement their beauty and add a flawless and shiny finish to a person’s smile.

Different methods are used to whiten teeth. To perform some of these procedures, you need to see a dentist. But with home remedies, you can also scale the teeth and give them a bright and shiny appearance. Here are some home remedies for teeth whitening:


Flossing is the easiest way to remove food particles left between your teeth. As you know, these small food particles, along with saliva and bacteria, form a layer on the teeth that hardens after a while and forms dental plaque. Dental plaque causes tooth decay, corrosion and pain after a while.

Flossing after a meal helps to ensure that food particles are completely removed from the teeth and that the dark yellow layer of plaque does not form on the teeth.

Brushing with baking soda

One of the cosmetic methods of teeth at home is to use baking soda when brushing. Many people use baking soda to whiten their teeth. Baking soda is a very popular way to whiten teeth due to its strong whitening properties, availability and very low cost.

Teeth whitening with charcoal

To use this method, just pour baking soda on the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it and then rinse carefully. It is best to avoid swallowing baking soda as much as possible.

 Use fruits and vegetables

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good not only for the teeth but for the whole body. It is said that chewing fruits and vegetables is good for teeth whitening in itself. (Of course, leaving fruit particles on the teeth will cause plaque)

Pineapple and strawberry are more useful for teeth whitening than other fruits. Some actors and celebrities use a combination of colored berries and baking soda to whiten their teeth.

 Use charcoal to whiten teeth

Another way to beautify your teeth at home is to use charcoal. Charcoal, unlike its black color, has whitening properties and whitens your teeth. Charcoal also prevents the formation of dental plaque, thus giving the teeth a shiny and shiny appearance.

Dip a thoroughly wet toothbrush in hygienic charcoal powder and brush and rinse with it for at least two minutes.

 The combination of salt and honey for the beauty of teeth

Another way to beautify your teeth at home is to use salt and honey. Salt and honey both have anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Salt is a natural substance that has mild abrasive and antiseptic properties and therefore, is always used as a toothpaste and bleach. The combination of salt and honey and brushing with it can have a positive effect on the whiteness and cleanliness of the teeth.

 Fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride is a mineral found in the drinking water of many countries. This mineral protects teeth against acid in food and prevents caries.

When you eat foods that contain sugar or carbohydrates, the bacteria secrete acid, which destroys the enamel minerals. Fluoride can regenerate tooth enamel and restore the minerals it needs.

Fluoride is found not only in toothpaste but also in fluoride gels, mouthwashes and other fluoride supplements. It should be noted that it is better to avoid swallowing these products, and after brushing with fluoride toothpaste (or any other type of toothpaste) to rinse completely.

Different Types of Toothaches

Toothache of dental origin can be classified based on how long the pain lasts, how often it hurts, how severe it hurts, and so on. In this article, we will talk about the types of toothaches and their characteristics.

Short-term pain from eating or drinking hot or cold substances:

This type of toothache is a short, momentary pain that goes away very quickly and is not a big problem. The causes of this type of pain can be traced to small caries, leaky repair, gingival resorption, etc. Many of which can be treated.

Usually, the main recommended method for treating this type of pain is treated by reducing allergies and there is no need to go to the dental clinic. Anti-allergy toothpaste, using a soft toothbrush, and not having the toothbrush in contact with areas where tooth decay has occurred are usually home remedies for this type of toothache, and if the problem persists, it is recommended to see a dentist for treatment.

Sensitivity to cold or heat that occurs after filling a tooth:

There is usually the possibility of allergies to hot or cold foods after tooth filling, especially after deep fillings, and this type of allergy can last for two to four weeks.

Pain that lasts for more than thirty seconds after eating hot and cold food:

If you are experiencing this type of toothache, you may have irreversible damage to the nerve of your tooth (or tooth pulp). These injuries are usually caused by tooth decay and nerve damage. If you have this pain, go to the dental clinic as soon as possible and take action to treat the root and preserve the tooth.

Severe pain that persists and is accompanied by pressure and swelling in the gum area and increases with touch:

The main cause of this type of toothache is an abscess in the root of the tooth. These abscesses and infections travel from the root canal space to the tissue around the teeth and bones, causing persistent pain you can use over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Vague pain in the upper teeth and upper jaw:

Bruxism or wear and tear along with the pressure of the teeth on top of each other, also called bruxism, can cause such pain. Facial pain that accompanies sinusitis may just as likely to cause toothache. If you have sinusitis, you should see a specialist and seek treatment, but if you suffer from bruxism, be sure to consult a dentist first for treatment.

Acute pain when chewing food and clenching of teeth on top of each other:

A variety of causes can cause this type of pain. Caries, a weak or improper filling or crack in the tooth, and damage to the tooth pulp (nerve) can cause these pains. This type of pain is one of the pains that requires your presence in the dental office. In this type of pain, there is a need for dental intervention. Your dentist may determine that your tooth needs endodontic treatment. In this case, you may be referred to an endodontist for treatment. An endodontist is a dentist who has received specialized training in endodontic treatment. During denervation (root canal treatment), the damaged pulp (nerve) of the tooth is removed. And inside the space of your root canals, to prevent re-infection, it is filled with sealed substances!

Implants for Teens

Think about a girl or a boy who plays sports professionally, everything is going well. But after a while, a mistake occurs in a game and it hurts the jaw area. After the examination, he sees that they have lost a tooth! What is the best way to repair this damage?

One way to correct this situation, in the opinion of a pediatric dentist, is to have a replacement tooth.

See an implant specialist as soon as possible so that you do not miss the opportunity for a dental implant.

The question that arises in the meantime is, are dental implants a safe method for children?

Dental implant conditions:

Although dental implants are the standard way to get lost permanent teeth, they are not always recommended for children.

That is why dental implants are used only in patients whose jaw growth is complete.

If the dental implant is too small for the patient, it may impair the growth of the jaw and disrupt the normal growth of other teeth.

Dental implants are made directly into the bone, and because they function as teeth, they do not move easily.

Minimum age suitable for dental implants:

At least 15 years for girls

At least 17 years for boys

The recommended age varies depending on gender. Because bone growth is completed in girls much sooner than in boys.

At this age, the jaw is almost fully developed, or at least to the point where the implants affect the future growth of the jaw.

So what are the alternatives to implants for children?

No teenager or child likes to live their whole life without teeth.

Instead of seeing a gap between his teeth in his smile, a replacement should be considered for their missing tooth to make it bigger.

Some of these alternatives are:

Removable dentures: These removable dentures have one or more dentures that need to be attached. With dentures, the fact that the child does not have a tooth is hidden.

Bridges: Fixed tooth-supported bridges, or resin-bonded bridges can be used. In fixed bridges, adjacent teeth need to be covered. This type of dental bridge can be done with the support of the side teeth. Resin-bonded bridges also work differently and do not damage teeth. These options look better and perform better than removable dentures.

Orthodontics: If you think your child will have orthodontics when his or her teeth fall out, you still need to plan for the teeth to move forward.

An artificial tooth can be attached to an orthodontic wire to fill the remaining empty space.

Spacers: If your child is too young to lose a tooth, a permanent tooth will replace it. But to be sure, the teeth should not be misaligned. Fixed and movable spacers can be used, depending on the position of the child and the missing tooth.